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  • Why are so many First Home Buyers
    experiencing Mortgage Stress ?
    The two fact…

    Why are so many First Home Buyers
    experiencing Mortgage Stress ?
    The two factors of high entry level Property prices,
    and employment instability have created enormous
    levels of #MortgageStress for young couples who are
    #FirstHomeBuyers .
    One of the main problems this is causing
    is that if one partner wants to reduce their workload
    to Part Time to raise a family ,
    the cost of paying the Mortgage becomes
    incredibly demanding on the Household Budget.

    We discuss the Solution for this and other issues
    facing #FirstHomeBuyers in a
    #Free Information Webinar .

    Would you like to receive the
    #FirstHomeBuyer Webinar Link ?
    Phone 08 7001 1627 or 0423 585 932 .

  • Why are 20% of First Home Buyers failing ? 2
    The major cause of difficulty for…

    Why are 20% of First Home Buyers failing ? 2
    The major cause of difficulty for First Home Buyers is obviously Mortgage Stress .
    But why are we seeing so much #MortgageStress amongst First Home Buyers today ?
    First Home Buyers from the past have not had to deal with very high #Property prices in #Sydney and #Melbourne ,
    and at the same time
    trying to cope with a volatile employment Market .

    Talk to your Accountant about creating a #Budget
    for your needs which includes dealing
    with the challenges of setbacks in #employment
    should they arise.

    Would you like to receive the Link for our #Free
    Webinar for First Home Buyers ?
    Phone 08 7001 1627 or 0423 585 932 ,
    ask for Craig Holme .

  • Why are 20% of First Home Buyers failing ?
    According to a recent Survey up to 20…

    Why are 20% of First Home Buyers failing ?
    According to a recent Survey up to 20% of First Home Buyers are currently in trouble.
    But the pain that these First Home Buyers would be going through
    can be avoided.
    Firstly ,
    we need to ask why this % of FHB's in difficulty is so high ?
    There are a number of reasons that we are going to discuss in a series of discussions . To answer Why we need to simply look at the high cost of Housing in #Sydney and #Melbourne .
    First Home Buyers in these cities are being forced to pay
    some of the highest prices in the world for property.
    To avoid being a statistic if you are a First Home Buyer,
    consult with your #Accountant to create a Budget for you
    which takes into consideration factors
    which may cause problems if they arise .

    There is no point creating a #Budget that does not include
    the possibility of change.

    Would you like to receive the #Webinar link for our Free Information Discussion for First Home Buyers ?
    Phone 08 7001 1627 or 0423 585 932 .

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