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car industry

  • #FailureToSuccess

  • #FailureToSuccess

  • This article shows very clearly that the USA Government supports it's own Indust…
    This article shows very clearly that the USA Government supports it's own Industries
    with $Billions of support. Yet we in Australia are believing the "Free Market" Capitalism idea that our Government should not support Australian Manufacturers, and therefore we are going to let #Holden die slowly on the vine. If we are going to Save Holden and other Australian Manufacturers, we are going to have to WAKE UP fast that the so-called Free Market is an illusion. Every Car Manufacturing country in the world INVESTS HUGE SUMS in it's Car Industry because it knows the spinoff creates jobs and boosts the economy.
    Where are the jobs for our youth going to come from if we don't have any #AustralianManufacturers ?
    #WakeUPAustralia #SaveHolden

    Elon Musk: Incentives not necessary, but helpful
    Elon Musk said Monday that an LA Times article claiming his companies are receiving government subsidies is incorrect.

  • Save Holden
    Save Holden

    Save Holden
    The Germans are a lot smarter than us when it comes to supporting their own Car Industry. Firstly they provide a significant Cash Back Incentive Program for anyone who has a Car over 9 years old . If you replace your old Vehicle for a German-made Car , then you receive the Cash Back Incentive. This has a two-fold benefit, older and less environmentally efficient Cars are replaced by new, greener models. And also the Local Car Manufacturers receive much more local orders than they would normally. Why can't our Government offer a similar $10k incentive for older Australian Cars. This would make the Commodore much more affordable for the average family and would massively increase the production of the Car Manufacturer. THIS PROGRAM WORKS IN GERMANY BECAUSE THEY ARE SMARTER THAN WE ARE IN PROVIDING INCENTIVES FOR THEIR CAR INDUSTRY. We are full of EXCUSES as to why it wouldn't work here . WOULD YOU BUY A NEW HOLDEN IF YOU GOT A $10k CASHBACK DEAL ?

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